Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving thanks.

No pictures, just a few words, and we can all get on with whatever our relations have planned for us.

I am so very, very thankful for this wonderful life I get to explore and enjoy every day. I am so glad I can choose to be happy.

The greatest woman in the world thinks I'm something special.

The sassiest, brattiest, cutest little 5 year old in the world thinks I'm pretty special too.

I have my music, my monsters, my Hallowe'ens and Horrors.

I have so much.

And so do each of you.

I am very thankful for all of you, who share with me in this place, and in your own places, our common love of spooky, wondrous Autumn things.

However you celebrate today, the point isn't the food, the ball game, the drinks, the arguments, the elbows and forks and dishes and desserts.

It's being aware that YOU KNOW HOW DAMNED LUCKY YOU ARE.

How lucky we all are.

Enjoy your holiday.

Be thankful.

Choose happiness.


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