Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Old tubes, part the dozenth.

When magic eyes are smiling...

Oh, you sly S&Pers. You knew it wouldn't be long after the jukebox changed that the ol' Hallowe'enith radio would start to crackle and hum, and we'd have a new program to enjoy while we relax in the warmth of our little pub.

Sure an' tis true, there's (so far) one new/old bit of fun to be heard on the ol' machine.

From Hallmark Playhouse comes a half an hour's worth of the blarney; based on the famous 1938 Stephen Vincent Benet short story, O'Halloran's Luck tells of a seeming troublemaker who finds himself a leprechaun... and all the luck that can bring.

It stars Edmond O'Brien:
... who, among myriad other notable roles, also starred as Kansas City big-shot Fran McCarg in Pete Kelly's Blues (the tale of another fine Irish boy).

How is this remotely related to Hallowe'en?

Not much. The episode was first broadcast on October 28, 1948.

Close enough to be green and orange and black.

Give yourself the half-hour, you'll enjoy it, trust me.

Now whaaaaar's me gold...?

O' ZOM-beeee!

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